
Afrophire Giveaway Prize Update and review!

Yayyy! I finally received my Prize! I recently entered a Christmas Giveaway at Afrophire.com and guess what? I WON!! This was my Prize, A beautiful handmade and  unique Pair Of Earrings by Lynn Ali.

I just love the wood and metal combined in one and the design is real pretty. These pair of earrings are well made and as you can see they are Lovely and Sheek!

Ladies, we all want to have our own Unique style and wear jewelry custom made to your style, drop by Lynn Ali website and check them out, and dont forget to visit  Afrophire.com!

* This product was a contest I won and I did not receive any compensation for his review, this is my personal experience with this product.


  1. I'm am so glad you are enjoying your gift! You look beautiful!

  2. Thanks Cherese. :)Thanks for stopping by.

  3. Yayyyy! Deb I told Cherese that I wanted something that I really loved and knew another woman would love just as much. I am happy you not only love the design but noticed the craftsmanship I put into them. I enjoy what I do and love to see beautiful designs on beautiful women!

    Enjoy Deb, they look great on you!


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